Tessa’s journey from bystander to SUPstar.

Just over a year ago, two things happened which have changed my life.

First, my husband bought me a paddleboard as a surprise gift for my 55th birthday. Then, about a month later, I joined Paddle Up, a SUP school and club in Shepperton. Since then, I’ve never looked back (apart from when I’m checking for rowing boats, pleasure craft and kayakers behind me on the water…).

I’d always looked longingly at the paddleboarders on the Thames when I was walking my cockapoo Leo on the towpath. I’d had an introductory lesson with a local instructor in the past, but buying myself a board seemed a bit self-indulgent, and I couldn’t really paddle anyway. (The trial session ended with me falling off the SUP publicly near Walton Bridge in the middle of a hot summer’s day when the river and the towpath were busy. I’d felt stupid and humiliated, not helped by the instructor’s irritation at the inconvenience of me not being able to get back on the board).

So, when I opened the large box in our living room one Friday night in June 2022, I was surprised, excited and a bit daunted, to be honest. We figured out how to inflate the beautiful turquoise SUP, put the paddle together, and the next morning off we went to Cowey Sale for me to embark on my paddleboarding journey. 

Slowly but surely over the coming days and weeks, I gained in confidence and became a little more practised, but I needed lessons and I wanted to find people to paddle with. Paddle Up was a wonderful place for both. After a quick search online for local SUP clubs and friendly initial email exchanges, I went along to my first club trial paddle full of both enthusiasm and trepidation. What if I wasn’t good enough? What if I didn’t have the right kit? What if I didn’t fit into the established group?

I needn’t have worried. India and Joshua, the co-founders, were friendly, kind and encouraging from the get-go. India met me in the car park with her trademark warm smile, and introduced me to the rest of the group who were welcoming from the outset; she helped me with the new quick-release belt which I’d never used before; she and Joshua patiently paddled with me as I wobbled on my beginner board at the back of the club paddle on a canal somewhere in Woking. 

That evening marked the beginning of a new phase of my life. This might sound like a cliché, but there’s no other way of describing what Paddle Up and SUP has done for me.

As a middle-aged woman I was low in self-esteem, energy, and positivity. Now I have a passion which makes me feel happy and fulfilled, and which gives me a zest for life. During the past year I have made new friends, indulged my love of being outdoors, and challenged myself physically and mentally by learning to paddle more efficiently, thanks to India and Joshua’s expert coaching and encouragement to set myself new paddling goals from time to time. Being a member of the club is fun, everyone is friendly and supportive, and you can paddle as much or as little as you like. The Paddle Up club nights are one of the highlights of the week for me and Leo. (He has become a SUP pup, so he comes out on my board at club paddles, where he receives much love and attention from his SUP friends!).

We paddle in various places each week, sometimes more frequently in the summer – both locally and further afield. We also do different SUP events and competitions for fun. Last week we went to Bosham Harbour in Sussex for a Friday evening sunset paddle, and later this month we are doing a group paddle in London’s Docklands. 

As well as all the camaraderie, kindness and coaching, there is advice on kit (for all budgets), SUP yoga sessions with the wonderful Charlie, and safety drills (all new members learn the basics of self-rescue and safe practice). 

I can’t imagine life without SUP and Paddle Up. Being part of this brilliant community is fun, and it makes me feel better physically and emotionally by being outdoors doing an active sport, spending time on and off the water with great people. Paddle Up has been a gamechanger for me, and I’m incredibly grateful. 

Words by Tessa


🌾 We're going paddle boarding on the Norfolk broads, and you're invited!


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